The Children of Blood and Bone: A Review

Hey everyone! I know a good chunk of time has passed since the last time I posted, but I think I more than made up for that with this review! Let me know by liking, commenting, and sharing it with your friends. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I really hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed reading the book and writing out a few of my first thoughts.

Children of Blood and Bone is a novel that explores friendship, love, loss, fierce familial loyalty, the price of revenge, and the meaning of an ideological difference. Children of Blood and Bone gives us a need for change while providing a chance at that change and it explores the differences a mere generation can make.

Children of Blood and Bone explores the freedom that comes with acceptance. The acceptance of the differences between people and of one’s self. Acceptance can open your eyes to the reality of the treasures people can hold.

Children of Blood and Bone shows us the distance one person will go for love. Love in the romantic, in friendship, and more importantly in the sense of family. Children of Blood and Bone also shows us that love and loyalty can call us to do things we do not always think are for us or right, but a need for acceptance can spur us forward anyway. Children of Blood and Bone explores the belief that love can change a person if another wills it hard enough for them.

Zelie is an Orisian girl and a maji living in a time after the King abolished magic and murdered all those who posed the ability to do magic. Leaving generations of maji without the ability to do magic or connect with their Gods. Zelie and her brother Tzain lost their mother in the raid of the maji when she was murdered and hung from a tree as a warning. Zelie’s mother was a reaper who was captured when her necromancy was stifled and from that moment forward Zelie dreamed of the day she could wield magic like her mother and bring the revenge she imagines.

When a frightened girl runs up to Zelie in the market begging for her help Zelie feels compelled to save her. It turns out to be more than she ever bargained for. That scared girl, her secrets, and the scroll she carries with her turn out to be the key to getting magic back to Orisha and a quest even the seers could not predict ensues. Zelie finds herself tested physically, emotionally, and magically. Zelie prevails over each conflict and grows along the way. Zelie finds a partner in an unexpected place and faces an unseen betrayal.

Children of Blood and Bone is an emotional read that leaves you thinking. It is Tomi Adeyemi’s debut novel and it opens a whole world I am personally ready to explore with Zelie. Tomi Adeyemi’s desire to change the world around us is clear and her story is enlightening while remaining intriguing. Children of Blood and Bone is a read for everyone from thirteen to one hundred and thirteen so you would do well to be one of the many who are

inspired by this reading.

Published by Writer Krys

I'm here to read books then review those books and write some things of my own. Come along on the journey with me!

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